неделя, 24 ноември 2013 г.

Bulgaria's Advantages
Excellent education system
Broad knowledge of foreign languages
Lower salaries resulting in tremendous savings
Sector Overview
Many foreign companies have established call centers in Bulgaria. Because of the availability of professional and motivated employees, the broad knowledge of foreign languages, cultural similarities, and the relatively lower salaries, this sector has attracted numerous investors from the EU and the United States.
Our debt collection procedure usually begins with a phone call. Once we make the debtor aware that we are taking over the debt and we explain the consequences of non-payment, they soon begin to take the matter more seriously. Regular letter and/or sms notifications are executed. 

With offices in Sofia, we are able to offer a nationwide debt collection service. Our trained investigators/ negotiators will initially contact debtors by telephone and professionally negotiate settlements or arrange a meeting to open the line of communication to recover your money. Our agents are very persuasive and your debtors will soon discover that a debt collector is not as easy to ignore as a letter or phone call.

Мобилната услуга CHAT CENTRE  е на път да стане още по-популярна и то в цял свят. В официалния й блог бе публикувано съобщение, че приложението вече поддържа двадесет и два световни езика, а именно: английски,датски, холандски, фински, френски, немски, индонезийски, италиански, японски, корейски, малайски, норвежки, португалски (Бразилия), руски, испански, шведски, опростен китайски, традиционен китайски, тайландски и турски,филипински и полски..

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